Peer Groups

We are not offering Peer Groups at this time. For questions please call us at 952.681.7125.

Learn, Share, Grow

Peer Advisory Groups offer their members the opportunity to learn from, to share with, and to be held accountable by people who are in similar situations and who face similar challenges and opportunities. The in-depth and confidential conversations enable the members to explore alternative solutions to pressing business and personal issues and provide open and honest feedback that greatly increase effective decisions and actions.

Peer Advisory Groups facilitated by us meet on a monthly basis September through June, except December. The meetings last approximately three hours and include time for specialized learning, interactive participation, peer review, and fellowship.

Experienced, professional facilitators moderate the monthly roundtable discussions during which peer-to-peer input gives members insight into the issues that affect family-owned business leaders. The facilitators allow the group to explore areas of common interest while introducing information on selected topics of personal development, business systems, transition planning, and leadership.

The confidential nature of the groups provides for idea exchange, learning, self-evaluation, personal growth, and accountability.

Members are committed to participating in the group and place a high priority on attending the nine meetings per year because they rely on one another for feedback and continuity.

Member Benefits

    • Forum for sharing experiences and challenges in an open and confidential environment
    • Continued personal growth and a better understanding of self
    • Feedback and regular accountability from empathetic peers who are in similar situations
    • Learning from each other and professional facilitators
    • Personal and professional development plan
    • Understanding what has to happen for them to achieve their plans given their existing business and family systems

Family and Business Benefits

    • Bring new ideas and strategies into the business and family
    • Increase commitment, productivity and accountability
    • Controlled setting for addressing critical issues and concerns
    • More collective insights and knowledge exchange than a lecture-oriented approach

Read more about our Peer Advisory Group for Senior Business Owners

Read more about our Peer Advisory Group for Future Business Leaders and Owners

Call 952.681.7125 for more information.

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    Hause Family Business Transitions, LP