The Balance System

Successful transition is creating a new vision

The Balance System provides the systematic guidance, means, and expertise needed when roles and responsibilities change.

The Balance System prepares all who are involved – managers, owners, and family – for the changes in leadership, relationships, responsibilities, and accountability that are inevitable with transition. Successful transitions involve clarifying the roles, responsibilities, accountability, expectations, and behaviors of everyone involved and preparing them for change.

The Balance System focuses on interactions and decision making within and between the managers, owners, and family

We work with a multidiscipline alliance of professionals with special expertise in the areas of:

    • Family business relationships
    • Family systems
    • Communication
    • Assessments and training
    • Coaching
    • Successor generation preparation
    • Developing sibling teams
    • Managing conflict among family members
    • Behavior problems and addiction
    • Managing change
    • Transitioning power and control
    • Law

We are a resource owners, managers, and their trusted advisors can call upon for systematic guidance and expertise to successfully transition family and privately-held businesses and wealth concentrations. Together, we examine and address what is needed to move through each stage in the transition process. Our services are tailored to the needs of each unique situation.

The Balance System is particularly effective for families with difficult or complex challenges, who are experiencing resistance to change, or who are struggling to move forward.



  • © Copyright 2024
    Hause Family Business Transitions, LP